My name is Miguel Angel Zicca, born Buenos Aires, Argentina, on June 16, 1964. As a kid all I reserve for drawing, sidewalk chalk on the role of the warehouse, bits of charcoal on the floor of the garden, or zigzag light of a lantern in the air of a summer night. During elementary school many were the stories that illustrate the book type classes. From those years on radio and music have occupied a importantsimo when seeking inspiration and creation. The graphic humor, cartoons, caricatures and I opened the door to the world of art. At 19 years I received in the College of Fine Arts Manuel Belgrano National Teacher of Drawing and the 22 got the title of National Teacher of Drawing and Painting, received at the School of Fine Arts Prilidiano Pueyrredn. Since those days, I began to mix library books of reproductions of artists of the Renaissance, Baroque, surrealism, etc, with Columba Publishing journals, Skorpio and Fierro. The first strip humorstica the published 1983 in a magazine that I can not remember the name because a single number outgoing kiosks. At 23 years published a monthly humor page in the magazine Christian Family Paoline. A couple of years later llegel Coca-Cola Award in the Arts and Sciences (Humor graphic) empujn diel me to know that going well. He had come the professional time, sharing the work of Professor of plastic with Illustrator and Cartoonist. Also I was happy to devote to children's literature, writing and publishing many stories. The same ocurricon the comedians and comic strips in which work the creation of the characters, scripts and drawings. In recent years I have studied art therapy and language you are; addition elaborel fun drawing workshop, in whose classes the children create and play. Also high on passion Painting, is a journey deep into the world of inner peace, an infinite path traveled by traces of colors and strokes. Elegla technique of pastel chalk, mainly because of the sensual quality of texture, because I can finger paint directly on paper, sliding the sticks of chalk and color mixing by hand, leaving traces be forming climates, physiognomic, dialogues, thoughts and energies. Each work takes me months of work by tamaoy complexity. Art permiticonocer me very good people, to whom I am grateful for your help and teachings. Thanks to Art won persistence and patience, I have not lost the wonder and curiosity and update daily to create happiness. And infinite glad to share my art with everyone who wants to visit. Come, come, I invite you, the Heart is large.